David Cummings

Rev. David Cummings
National Director of Operation Exodus Canada
Operation Exodus Canada is an international ministry, represented in over forty nations. Birthed in 1991 in Jerusalem as scud missiles rained down on Israel, the heart behind the ministry is to encourage and help the Jewish people return to their Promised Land (according to the Scriptures) and to proclaim God’s Kingdom purposes for their return. Thus far, 160,000 Jews have been helped to make aliyah. Our efforts are focused in prayer; sharing about aliyah with both Jews and Christians, as opportunities arise to do so; helping Jewish people to emigrate to Israel; and assisting with their material needs as they settle in the Land.
David has served as the National Director of Operation Exodus Canada for four years and Pastor of Hamilton Christian Fellowship since 2000.
“Hear the Word of the Lord, O nations; proclaim it in distant coastlands. He who scattered Israel will gather them, & will watch over His flock like shepherd.” Jeremiah 31:10