Ten Days in Israel with Restoring Hope to Cities & Bridges for Peace

November 4-15, 2018.

Hosted by Don James, National Development Director, Bridges for Peace Canada.

“Some of you will rebuild the deserted ruins of your cities.  Then you will be known as a rebuilder of walls and a restorer of homes.” Isaiah 58:12

 Join with Restoring Hope to Cities and Bridges for Peace to spend four days serving the Jewish people of Jerusalem and six days touring the Land of Israel.


For more information:  Don James, donj@bfpcan.org Phone: 204-804-3667


‘Experience Israel’ Discipleship Tour

February 3 – 14, 2019

 Hosted by: Rev. Peter & Deanna Fast, Deputy National Director, Bridges for Peace

Join us and experience first-hand the wonder and beauty of the Land of the Bible.

*Special rate for pastors and their spouses.

For more information: Peter & Deanna Fast, peterf@bfpcan.org or  deannaf@bfpcan.org. Phone: 204-599-8142